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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 117: Does Fruit Make You Fat? Science Says...

Aug 31, 2021

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I can't count how many times in my career I've uttered the words, "No one is fat because of eating bananas."

I actually remember the first time I said it.

I had a client who ate virtually every meal out, who regularly drank 4-5 artificially sweetened ice teas at one sitting, and who was just getting into a workout routine.

They had a solid 60 pounds to lose and when I told them to eat a banana to fuel their workout their response was, "Don't bananas have a lot of sugar??"

Honestly, it hurt my...

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Episode 116: Go with the 'Flow': Following Your Cycle for Better Health and Weight Loss

Aug 17, 2021

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This is probably the most embarrassing story I could tell you, and believe me I never thought I would tell a soul, let alone put it out into the world in a podcast episode. But I really think we need to talk about it. 

Warning: if you're squeamish (especially about period stories), skip to the 'advice' section of the blog. 

It was about a month ago, it was day one of my cycle and I was hurting... bad. I've had cramps that have made me yack before, but nothing came close to what I was experiencing...

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Episode 113: How Trauma Affects the Body (Hint: Yes It Can Influence Your Weight)

Jul 27, 2021

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My narcissistic relationship triggered my autoimmune disease. 

Yes there were certainly other factors at play: diet, genetics, birth control. 

But for years I couldn't speak my mind for fear of retribution. For years I was on high alert, unsure what would set him off. For years I felt like I was crazy, having every word twisted and turned against me. 

My body's defenses were chronically waging war against the ever-present emotional threat and eventually turned on me, attacking my own thyroid...

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Episode 110: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 2)

Jul 06, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and...

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Episode 109: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 1)

Jun 29, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and vivacious...

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Episode 86: Never Binge Again. Understanding Sugar Addiction, the Gut-Craving Connection, and How to Take Back Control.

Jan 19, 2021

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Do you feel out of control around certain foods?

Do you wish you could 'just have one' and move on with your day?

Do you find yourself on the hunt for sugar or carbs after a long, stressful day?

Then you're gonna want to listen to this episode to discover my GEES Method for figuring out where those uncontrollable food cravings come from and what you can finally do to get rid of them!

p.s. For today only, I'm opening up ONE more spot for Unleash Your Transformation, my 90-day program to lose...

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Episode 48: 'It's Probably Leaky Gut' with Holistic Nutritionist Megan Kelly

Apr 28, 2020

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Have you ever experienced symptoms that you couldn't explain?

Has a doctor ever prescribed you medicine to mask your symptoms without really knowing the cause?

Have you ever had the joy of dealing with adult acne, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, constipation, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, bloating, headaches, foggy headedness, PCOS, food sensitivities, diabetes, joint pain, and/or other inflammatory conditions?

Believe it or not, it could all be pointing back to your gut. Your ...

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Episode 43: 10 Ways to Boost Your Health and Sanity Today

Mar 24, 2020

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Times are scary and uncertain at the moment, but now is not the time to focus on all the things we can't control. Now is the time to double down on the things we can: our health, our mindset, and our habits. 

Which is why today I'm sharing 10 steps you can take to improve all 3, and give your immune system a boost in the process. 

1. Exercise.

Fitness works on numerous fronts to help your immune system. It increases white blood cells, reduces the stress hormone cortisol, and it may help...

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Episode 28: 10 Reasons I'll Never Go Keto

Dec 10, 2019

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What is keto?

It's a diet made up of approximately 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs with the intention of putting your body into ketosis where it burns fat as its primary source of fuel. It sounds like a great idea... until you realize what it actually does to your body. 

10 Reasons You Can Count Me Out:

1. It's utterly unnecessary.

- People are singing keto's praises because of its weight loss effects. But keto is not some magical diet, it's simply forcing you into a calorie deficit by all but eliminating an ...

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Episode 21: Diet and Depression... Could It Be a Cure??

Oct 24, 2019

Hey!! I hope this blog finds you well. I hope it finds you happy with your job, in a loving relationship, with overflowing self confidence, health, and joy. 

But what if it isn't? What if this blog is finding you barely able to make it out of bed. What if it finds you with that too-familiar dark cloud hanging overhead? What if it finds you just trying to make it through the day?

Well, I'm hoping, if that's you... today's episode might help.

Because today we're talking about the inextricable link...

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